They sang songs...
Then ate...
Then chatted...
Then played like wild monsters!
This was the Thanksgiving feast they had for the 4yr old classes, all the family members were invited so it was really nice. The little guy met another little girl who will be in his class when he starts here next year. I was shocked and happy when the little man took the little guy around and introduced him to his friends and then they all played together. It was really nice of him... and then we got home and the sibling rivalry immediately started! We were supposed to go to my parents for Thanksgiving, but I was too sick and exhausted, so they visited us for a few minutes. The hubby went out and got us food for a meal... it was very yummy! I was also supposed to work from midnight to 6am today... but when I woke up last night to get ready I was just too ill, my tummy hurt and I was dizzy, so I called in, now I'm dreading that I don't have a job. But really I had to work at the baby gap... and I really didn't want to throw up on any small children.
Product of the week
14 years ago