Everyone is so NICE... NOT! Work, the job I like, is not going well at all, surprisingly the customers I've been dealing with are great but my co-workers have the office politics going on and I'm just the lowest person that the poop rolls down too... makes for a very unpleasant experience! Oh well, only 20 more shopping days left until x-mas:)
On a much better note, the Kuvan is working... the little guy is responding to it, his PHE levels have dropped and his appetite has increased... which wasn't supposed to happen and maybe it's just coincidence but we will take it. He is actually asking for food and his "milk". Since his PHE levels dropped over the week we are allowed to increase his PHE intake... which means he gets extra of those much loved peas! We go back next week to Johns Hopkins and then we can go to the PKU clinic here in town, the following week and hopefully that will be the last visit this month. His nutritionist is very pleased with his progress. Unfortunately we parents are in a bit of trouble as we still let him have a bottle for his "milk" and we still puree his food. I can't help it that I don't do vomit and he hates textured food and has a hyper gag reflex! We will have to work on that and the Binky but after the holidays and the potty training! The potty training is going good as long as he is naked, a pair of roo's seems to encourage peeing... I might be tempted to get some feel and learn pull-ups. The sofa will thank me!
Other good news... down a whole 10 lbs. I had kinda tried to diet a bit, and being so miserable at work with chocolate on site wasn't really working for me! But now I have drastically changed things. Trying to avoid fat! I've gotten several munchie foods that have no fat, I bought flavored coffee... mmmmmmmmmmm... that's my candy/chocolate, trying to drink at least 32oz of water a day, and I'm writing everything that I eat down... puts things more in perspective, like on Tuesday I nearly doubled my calorie intake with a latte from Starbucks... but pumpkin spice lattes are sooooooooooooo yummy. I also got my bike on the trainer and have been doing 4-5 miles each time I get on. I have a spin cycle class DVD that I've used as well... wow talk about kicking your butt! On the days that the hubby and I are home we will be using the weight system together. Sounds like a balanced plan, and it seems to have started to work! Only 35lbs more to go!