Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm starting to get a complex...

I've interviewed for a bunch of jobs and haven't heard one thing back... if I find out Borders is saying illegal things at the store level, well I don't know what I'll do. Why can't people just play nice. I just have to stay calm and hang on for a few more weeks before I really freak out about our little financial situation. breathe... breaTHE...BREATHE.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Daddy's B-day

Well Daddy got a new car for his birthday... saving us 130.00 a month in car payments, which is why we did it, then today he got an extra little present for his car... a customized golf ball indentation. In 5 years living here, knock on wood, we haven't had one casualty from stray golf balls, yet today just 3 days since buying the car we have one... oh well gotta shake it off and say least it wasn't one of the big windows in front of the house... that would've been costly!!! uhmmmmmm... Happy Birthday Daddy!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Well I did it!

I quit working at the evil empire... when your immediate supervisor starts to threaten you, and the people above them are related, there really isn't too much you can do to make sure you don't end up really screwed or hospitalized. It's in the past, and now the way I look at I have until school starts to find another job... that's not too bad. It also gives me the summer with the boys and time to really finish up our multi-project home. I'll miss the book loan program and a few of the regular customers, but really that's it... and I do have a library card now!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jelly jelly and more jelly

Well I've been stock piling wild stuff for weeks in the fridge and freezer for a jelly canning frenzy... I've got it down to a multitasking/multi-batching science. I did 4 varieties of rose jelly today: rose jelly, cranberry rose jelly, honeysuckle rose jelly and lavender rose jelly. All of the rose was from petals... I still have some steeped juice left, after I get more jars I'm going to try steeping some black currant tea and combining them. The little man's favorite was the cranberry rose, and mine is the honeysuckle rose! I'm already keeping an eye on the hips waiting from them to ripen. Our berry bushes are starting to give fruit... I've got about half a cup of different raspberry varieties stocked up in the freezer... not letting one go to the birds or ants!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I've been busy...

... this was our kitchen, yes our kitchen floor was sub floor since the product we bought for it 3 years ago would not have installed properly. We have been debating for a very long time on what to do. We then found Pergo... half price... uhmm, no brainer! We started Wednesday morning and finished just now, but I had to work 2 shifts in between, plus we had company for dinner, and we had to dismantle the counter tops and sink, because this morning our tax money went to very good use on our new counter tops... that won't collect grime anymore!!!!!

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The almost finished product... we need a few small areas by the doors done, under my computer desk, and of course the evil trim work... but new countertops and a new floor... it's so nice!

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Angelo use to say we still have caveman instincts

Of course he was talking about shopping, referring to the clothing racks in stores as berry bushes. But I'm kinda feeling the gathering ancestors in me coming out! You know the normal Mom responds to a child asking if they can eat wild strawberries with a no, absolutely not, don't you dare let me catch you eating anything like that. Me well my response is... "I don't know, let me look it up". I look it up and find some jelly recipes and then say... "hey you want to help me pick some?" So looks like on the to do list this week is, wild strawberry jelly, some more rose petal jelly, potentially more honeysuckle... and since I found 6 mulberry trees dropping fruit on a vacant lot... I'm gonna have to look up recipes for jelly/jam and wine/mead. I also found a few fields with red clover and a rice recipe that uses the flowers... of course dried for tea and wine as well!

As a side note I'm so pleased that as I continue to blog, more and more I have less and less misspellings when I do spell check... guess this is good exercise for the old brain.
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Friday, June 5, 2009

gee one might be depressed if...

... one sleeps the entire day. I had good company, both boys spent the majority of their day taking turns snuggling me. So as everyone knows I lost my full time job and everything I've applied for has not turned out well for me, in the meantime we decided to go for a second mortgage cause my income right now is not paying our bills. I had an interview last week for a job that if I got meant we'd be great with paying bills and with the second mortgage we could actually start putting money away. Yeah so I wake up this morning to the phone ringing it's the bank saying our house is worth 20k less then we paid for it, no go on the second... then I open my e-mail (not on my computer since it's still down). So I almost get getting dumped via e-mail or texting... but seriously getting a we don't have a position for you e-mail... now that's information age technology at it's finest! Yup went straight back to bed on the sofa with my happy pills-aka the boys!