Of course he was talking about shopping, referring to the clothing racks in stores as berry bushes. But I'm kinda feeling the gathering ancestors in me coming out! You know the normal Mom responds to a child asking if they can eat wild strawberries with a no, absolutely not, don't you dare let me catch you eating anything like that. Me well my response is... "I don't know, let me look it up". I look it up and find some jelly recipes and then say... "hey you want to help me pick some?" So looks like on the to do list this week is, wild strawberry jelly, some more rose petal jelly, potentially more honeysuckle... and since I found 6 mulberry trees dropping fruit on a vacant lot... I'm gonna have to look up recipes for jelly/jam and wine/mead. I also found a few fields with red clover and a rice recipe that uses the flowers... of course dried for tea and wine as well!
As a side note I'm so pleased that as I continue to blog, more and more I have less and less misspellings when I do spell check... guess this is good exercise for the old brain.