so I shouldn't even breathe a word of this but, while I'm still sick and coughing and hacking, the time intervals have became increasingly longer. I hack and cough every 10-20 minutes instead of seconds. I've been able to SLEEP! maybe I'm on the way to getting well... I can hope. All I want for
Christmas is to breathe without pain! Maybe one cough free day would be nice too!
Let's see I've not given a book update in a long time, I'm reading at home In Her Shoes by Jennifer
Weiner, only one chapter down, very much like the movie. At work for my lunch break I'm still reading the mournful teddy bear... I can't wait for the book signing on Friday night, gotta meet this guy. I just finished Kathy
Reichs first "Bones" mystery in the series. I loved it... read it in like 2 days, of course it's not like I've done much else. I attempted to read No Country for Old Men... I was really sick that day so perhaps that is why I didn't get past page one... dunno. I hate to admit it but I've also been flipping through Martha Stewart's
Dec magazine... quite a few yummy things I might try and a very cool wreath I'm going to make... so maybe she is not pure evil.