Wednesday, October 15, 2008

well... didn't see that one coming

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... yes our stove... DID NOT SHOW UP TODAY! Apparently the order was canceled by the computer system... what is that saying, the computer is only as smart as it's operator. So I am also wondering how between 5:15 last night and 9:15 this morning did this order magically get cancelled, because I was in Best Buy last night and talked with the warehouse guy about the delivery time, making sure he knew we'd be out of the house until about 9:15... had concerns with the little guy getting to school, wanted to make sure everything went smooth... yeah right. I'm so mad I'm past anything but laughing... pure comedy at it's finest.

Word to the wise DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM BEST BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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