Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Bunny Day

okay so we do not have easter bunnies, tooth fairies or santa claus' in our household... why... because I can't stand how commercialized family days have become. Yes I realize I work in retail and it helps me keep my job... but it's sad. So that being said, I'm wondering why my 3 yr old son has been saying Happy Easter Bunny Day to us all day... it's cute but where did he get it?

Friday I got one planter made... it's cute but much smaller than I anticipated... gonna need to make more than two:(

I also finished the Jodi Picoult book, still high thumbs up. I've moved on to Tithe by Holly Black... I only got through 20 some pages and read every cuss word, along with underage drinking, breaking and entering, attempted rape and smoking... the age range states 14 and up... I'm liberal, really liberal and I'd have a hard time letting an average 14 year old read it. I usually stick with any book I begin... but I'm having a hard time picking it up to continue. I generally view parents who have to preread their kids books as far too over protective... I think I owe a huge apology to a lot of people now!

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