Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guess what we did yesterday?

Yep we went for a bike ride with the boys. It's finally cool enough to now. It isn't so bad once you get used to having to balance an extra 40 pounds or so. The little man and I tried it the day before and we took a spill but yesterday I took the little guy and we were fine, well he was a bit squirmy which had me yelling the whole time "sit still, face forward, stop that". Hopefully next time he will pipe down. We did a total of 7 miles on the Western Maryland Rail Trail... started out at the southern most end. We would have done more but I was hungry of all things and I had promised I'd go into work a little early, to take care of some orders. I realised sometime later yesterday that I didn't think of Maurice once... I kinda feel both guilty about that and perhaps that it is a good thing, it would be nice to enjoy some stuff without that black cloud over me all the time... I kinda hate avoiding things I use to like.
I just finished reading an independent reader book... The Truth about Truman, I forgot once again the author. It was an interesting idea, girl gets upset with the absurd topics that are to form the school newspaper and she starts one online. It becomes the gossip/bully site though and in the end really hurts someone else. I suppose had I not been one of those outsider types in Middle School I may have appreciated this book a bit better, I see the point it's trying to make, but I also sense that it was down played quite a bit ... well at least from my experiences. I still chose it for my independent reader group. Just because I was not head over heels with it, does not mean someone else won't be! I was also very disheartened to stumble across a book last night called Waiter Rant... someone has already done my idea only writing about restaurant table waiting, not pizza delivery... perhaps I can still do that, anyway I started on that last night... so far it's okay, but I'm biased- Day late Dollar short... I suck!
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Girlie Moment

Okay... I have to admit I had a total Girlie Moment today, but it's very cute. I've been doing the yearly underwear replacement, and today I found this brand from Australia and their tag line is Down Undies... come on that's so darn cute I had to get some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay Girlie Moment over... where is my sledgehammer?

I really dislike people!

Okay so not only did I drive 2 hours to get to the inventory last night, I got lost, then I got yelled at the second I walked in the door. Not to say that maybe I did not deserve it, but come on. I meet our new Sales Manager and she was the lady I was hoping I remembered... so I was slightly excited and yes I got yelled at to be quiet... kinda made me feel like I was in the 3rd grade or something... also made me feel like turning around and walking out the door! But that was not the worst of it. You know me, gotta stick up for my peeps... so about an hour later we got called to a meeting, and the lady in charge asks where's the scruffy guy, and I totally did not pay attention... not one of my employees... then where's the scruffy guy from Hagerstown... still did not quite sink in... I drove with a guy from our inventory team, and a lady drove down herself from our inventory team and neither were scruffy... but alas this horrible lady was referring to the guy I drove down there with. Now we kinda made it into a joke... but the more I thought about it the more I got pissed, and yes as a supervisor now I realise that I have to watch out for my peeps. I think we should have just left at that point... but no we stayed, because we are good employees... then to add insult to injury I went outside to get some fresh air and the same horrible lady told me, while pointing at "scruffy" guy take the big guy with you... are they just rude like that in VA. We still stayed, that is until I had an asthma attack... then WE LEFT!!!!
It just reaffirms my dislike of the majority of people because no one in our society seems to even think twice about being nice, civil, or friendly... sad times we live in!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Am I insane or just really stupid?

Okay so here is my wonderful schedule for the next few days... had an inventory tonight at the Gap which was not as painful as I was told it would be, home by midnight. Tomorrow instead of a quick evening I'm at work until 11:30pm, then Sunday an inventory at a Borders 2 hours away... yes I volunteered... but I won't be home until like 6am if I get out when expected, so that's Monday morning. Monday night I get to close again at 11:30, and then march right back into work on Tuesday morning at 6am... work all day then go to job number 2 for the evening. I think I need to rethink my dedication to my jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm currently rereading 13 reasons why by Jay Asher for my teen reading group. I guess we can call it my public service for the year. It is about suicide... and hey I'm not too shy to talk about the ramifications for all involved... plus it's an excellent book, makes me mad cause my real life didn't give me any kind of reason why, but well written... very well written.

I've also got a very cool book that is recipes all featuring lavender... I thought they would be mostly gross sounding, but I've written down more then I've passed over, it's called the Lavender Cookbook.

Everyone pleased with my pictures and the fact that I've got the hang of this blog with picture thing... I hope so! It will be a nice way to share pictures of the boys.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

North Beach

A day well spent exploring, swimming, soaking up rays... and being BOYS!!!!!!
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Did someone say staycation?

Well I did in fact take a mini vacation... thank god since I spent Thursday night Friday and most of Saturday in bed with a stomach flu. Saturday we all went to Lisa's for the pizza party then we went to the lake... I felt so bad for the kids because I literally did not see them all day on Friday. They had so much fun! The English clan joined us there as well and all 4 of the kids had a blast splish splashing away! Then we had an impromptu trip to the beach on Sunday... the little guy sure did not know what to make of the waves... he was so cute he laid just at the edge of the water and almost body surfed for quite awhile. The little man on the other hand has gotten to be very independent and since there was not much water depth change and the tide was very calm we kinda let him do his own thing. I think he had the most fun... of course having Daddy throw him into the water over and over again I'm sure didn't hurt that attitude:) Both boys did venture on a beach walk with me and I got the little man to help me in my beach glass quest! We scored an aqua colored piece, a wine colored piece and a deep mauve colored piece... very cool! More pics to come!!!!
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pizza party

Okay this originally was published on Saturday evening but it went to the wrong blog... I had one I screwed up... now I've got it deleted and here is the post from Sat. Miss Lisa had a pizza party at her place for the children. The little guy of course really could not partake as he doesn't like pizza and can't eat it because of the PHE. The little man on the other hand was very proud of his pizza and gobbled it up real quick! He made a smiley face with big pepperoni for eyes and a nose, with a slice pepper for the mouth and pepper chunks for cheeks. Very cute!
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Yep I finished the book FINALLY! It ended well... it would be cool if the author continued with another book down the road... many different book plots could come from the way it ended... I don't want to give the ending away. But the way it was written, I truly don't think the authors heart was in it, so she needs to take a long break from it!

So today starts my "vacation" whatever will I do? I already have pondered the thought of going in and trying to get a few bits of work accomplished, I don't think the boss would be pleased though, she is pretty against the whole doing the job off the clock in any fashion! Well I have three more books to finish and one I have to reread... guess that will keep me busy.

Perhaps I will try to publish more pictures here since I've got them all downloaded finally from the camera to the computer... 8 months worth!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... so been a little crazy at work this week, I know it's only Tuesday... but the twiddle Dee has left the building!!!! Yup the supervisor that was absolutely worthless is "no longer with the company" Christmas came early yeah!!!! In other news Twiddle Dumb the manager that "no longer is with the company" decided to pay me a visit on Sunday at the store trying to get info off the computer... actually came into the back offices on his own... not a fun experience at all... thank goodness I had a great staff on duty to "protect" me, I had two of the bigger guys and two feisty girls... along with butchie me... yeah if I'd have had to call the cops they'd have been scraping him off the sidewalk!

Mr fix it was over on Sunday ripped out the stuff on the porch that I hate, going to put up wood rails instead of the horrible concrete... of course as every project has led to something not so nice, we found more inactive termite damage. Note to anyone who thinks it's a great idea to chop down trees and bury them in your yard... DO NOT DO THAT!!!!!!

Still reading all four books... Breaking Dawn is getting slightly better... almost finished! I have a staycation this weekend... what ever will I do with myself... actually looking forward to spending some time with some friends. Last night my friend's Mom took a few of us out to see Momma Mia... and while I didn't love it... it was okay, better yet food drinks and great conversations followed... yep life is good.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


yes... I've been slacking... terribly this week. no real work done on the house. I did pick out faucets for the bathroom. I've not even finished one of the 4 books I'm reading. Kinda been just lazy. Tried to get to the train musuem with the kids on Friday, thought the brits would enjoy, but alas timing timing timing just wasn't there. Next week will probably be non-working as well. I think we have decided for certain we will not go to the PKU camp this year, Ti is just tooooooooo terrible two at times. That and the hubby just found out that he was indeed getting all 3 days off of work... nothing like coming down to the last 6 days and not knowing when you've given a 3 month notice... sometimes I think that stuff is just at the bottom of his list, because this is how it is for evey planned day we try to take off, no I'm not frustrated. Any way on Friday I'm going to a slumber party:) and then maybe we will go down to north beach on Sunday... hubby definitely does not want to let me do that, I kinda understand... I get far too absorbed in my past world... but it's a nice memory trip, one I actually like.

I did however work on the pictures. Now I just need to get the newer ones... from this year on to the computer!!!!! I promise I'll go back and edit previous posts to include pictures!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is it really Aug 7th?

Well I'm sure you guessed I've been busy.

On Friday the 2nd we had our big party for Breaking Dawn at Borders... I think it went very well. We revealed the books after midnight by bringing them out in a funeral procession... the books in an old time vampire looking coffin... that I made!!!! It was awesome! Of course this lead to another thing that has kept me busy... reading, I'm currently reading 4 books... something I generally try not to do.

First up still trudging through UN LUN DUN, it's not that I don't like it, it's not that I don't get the British references ... it's that there are so many made up words with made up meanings and weird things that it's hard for my aged brain to get a grasp and go with it. It is going to be one of my reading group books for August... which I can bring in show and tell about Britain. hopefully it will be neat.

Second up the Shack, I started out just reading a page or two just to see what is was like because it was our up sell item for a week or two... well it sucked me in and I've been reading it on my breaks, it's great... and it's Christian Fiction ... NO LIGHTENING HAS STRUCK.

Third is Jugging Elephants, my boss is enriching all of us with suggested leadership books. Now we all know I hate reading that kind of stuff, but hey I'll give anything a try, this one is great so far... very witty, I like the way the author is writing it.

And finally... yes Breaking Dawn after really enjoying the last three in the series I have to say I'm disappointed... and I'm not the only one. I don't think the author's heart was in it, it feels like it was written with a deadline and not from the heart as the other three did. I dunno, maybe she didn't care because you had to read it to find out what happens, maybe she knew we were all already sucked in, but I'm very disappointed.

On to the house... some painting on my end has been finished but the awesome thing is, I came down my hill on Monday and saw our house for the first time in daylight since Mr fix it was over and finished up painting the sides... wow... it was awesome to see one color not four on the house, still needs a little trim work but you can't tell from far away. Not much in the way of progress at my end too caught up with the Breaking Dawn party stuff last week and recuperating this week. But hopefully I'll get to some of it this week. I did however find the fixtures that I want for the tub... we shall see how much it costs though... could be expensive!

Finally to keep me busy... my friends from Britain are in town and we've been over a few times, the kids have gotten along just wonderfully... if you take out the difficulties in sharing. and yes I know gotta work on the pictures!!!!!!!