Well I'm sure you guessed I've been busy.
On Friday the 2nd we had our big party for Breaking Dawn at Borders... I think it went very well. We revealed the books after midnight by bringing them out in a funeral procession... the books in an old time vampire looking coffin... that I made!!!! It was awesome! Of course this lead to another thing that has kept me busy... reading, I'm currently reading 4 books... something I generally try not to do.
First up still trudging through UN LUN DUN, it's not that I don't like it, it's not that I don't get the British references ... it's that there are so many made up words with made up meanings and weird things that it's hard for my aged brain to get a grasp and go with it. It is going to be one of my reading group books for August... which I can bring in show and tell about Britain. hopefully it will be neat.
Second up the Shack, I started out just reading a page or two just to see what is was like because it was our up sell item for a week or two... well it sucked me in and I've been reading it on my breaks, it's great... and it's Christian Fiction ... NO LIGHTENING HAS STRUCK.
Third is Jugging Elephants, my boss is enriching all of us with suggested leadership books. Now we all know I hate reading that kind of stuff, but hey I'll give anything a try, this one is great so far... very witty, I like the way the author is writing it.
And finally... yes Breaking Dawn after really enjoying the last three in the series I have to say I'm disappointed... and I'm not the only one. I don't think the author's heart was in it, it feels like it was written with a deadline and not from the heart as the other three did. I dunno, maybe she didn't care because you had to read it to find out what happens, maybe she knew we were all already sucked in, but I'm very disappointed.
On to the house... some painting on my end has been finished but the awesome thing is, I came down my hill on Monday and saw our house for the first time in daylight since Mr fix it was over and finished up painting the sides... wow... it was awesome to see one color not four on the house, still needs a little trim work but you can't tell from far away. Not much in the way of progress at my end too caught up with the Breaking Dawn party stuff last week and recuperating this week. But hopefully I'll get to some of it this week. I did however find the fixtures that I want for the tub... we shall see how much it costs though... could be expensive!
Finally to keep me busy... my friends from Britain are in town and we've been over a few times, the kids have gotten along just wonderfully... if you take out the difficulties in sharing. and yes I know gotta work on the pictures!!!!!!!