Yep we went for a bike ride with the boys. It's finally cool enough to now. It isn't so bad once you get used to having to balance an extra 40 pounds or so. The little man and I tried it the day before and we took a spill but yesterday I took the little guy and we were fine, well he was a bit squirmy which had me yelling the whole time "sit still, face forward, stop that". Hopefully next time he will pipe down. We did a total of 7 miles on the Western Maryland Rail Trail... started out at the southern most end. We would have done more but I was hungry of all things and I had promised I'd go into work a little early, to take care of some orders. I realised sometime later yesterday that I didn't think of Maurice once... I kinda feel both guilty about that and perhaps that it is a good thing, it would be nice to enjoy some stuff without that black cloud over me all the time... I kinda hate avoiding things I use to like.
I just finished reading an independent reader book... The Truth about Truman, I forgot once again the author. It was an interesting idea, girl gets upset with the absurd topics that are to form the school newspaper and she starts one online. It becomes the gossip/bully site though and in the end really hurts someone else. I suppose had I not been one of those outsider types in Middle School I may have appreciated this book a bit better, I see the point it's trying to make, but I also sense that it was down played quite a bit ... well at least from my
experiences. I still chose it for my
independent reader group. Just because I was not head over heels with it, does not mean someone else won't be! I was also very disheartened to stumble across a book last night called Waiter Rant... someone has already

done my idea only writing about
restaurant table waiting, not pizza delivery... perhaps I can still do that, anyway I started on that last night... so far it's okay, but I'm biased- Day late Dollar short... I suck!
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