Sunday, January 25, 2009


So over the last 2 weeks we did have some progress on our humble abode. As you can see the bathroom now has a tile on one half, and we are in the process of installing the sink, toilet is in, and the wall trim is complete around this area. I still have to paint a little and finish up the wall shelf behind the sink with the appropriate size wood! We also got the final piece of our new kitchen appliances installed... the microwave. We wish we had gotten around to it sooner, but the old one worked enough for us to get by. The new one is sooooooooooo quiet. Anyway this week we hope to get some painting done, and the sink
completely in. I'm going to talk to my plumber friend about the tub... hopefully we can get started on that. Maybe work on the paint in the kitchen... and I've got some decorating/storage ideas that need to be measured out. I also took a trip with Mom to Ikea this weekend and got the much needed Cd/DVD rack for the living room, so hopefully we can get that up and stuff moved around to make more space for family games in the entertainment center. Also got some magazine holders so I can make that look much neater! I got some cool planters too that I'm going to fill with lettuce... fresh lettuce, fresh salad yum!
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1 comment:

Brian said...

I suspect that before you die, you will build a house from scratch.