So at my main job we have certain dates they call blackout dates, where store events happen and they want as many employees working as can't request off. There aren't too many dates during the year besides 8 weeks at Christmas when you can't schedule a few days off... to accommodate a mini vacation. Well for my birthday this year I was going to go to the Outer Banks, by myself, to have a few days with one of my dear friends. So I got my forms, put in for my time off, and stuck them in my bosses mailbox on Sunday night. On Monday morning we got a memo stating that educator savings week was going to occur over a long weekend this year... the one I choose to take vacation on. Usually educator savings is only 3 days... oh no, not this year, this year it's 6 days... and they are of course blackout dates:(
phooey phooey
If you put in for off before the black out date was announced the GM/HR of your store should still be able to work around it. They should be sympathetic if you express that you've already invested money in the trip on some level.
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