Friday, May 14, 2010

february may june july

yeah that's my new calendar and I'm sticking to it! So much for keeping up with my blog! I tried, I'll try again, besides nothing but illness and general crankiness to report on! My biggest new news is that we are pulling everything together to open a business mostly internet based. Hubby gets to tinker with a website so he is pleased, I get to play with crafts and plants... lots and lots of plants. 4t's Lavender Farm As of now I have close to 75 lavender plants, between 20-25 varieties. Plus we have many other good herbs to make yummy bath salts, bombs, and teas. I'm working on a holistic especially for pets, and another line in the back of my head to go to charity for ASPCA probably since they cover small pets up to horses. More later I promise... plus pics!

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