remember that silly saying from being a kid and picking the flowers and popping their flower heads off... okay maybe I was just a sadistic child. Anyway I started thinking about it while harvesting flowers... my neighbors must think I'm crazy... I wait until the flowers are at full bloom then I
cust them all off, chamomile and
lavendar and leave their little bushes all bare. Even better when the chamomile dries I pop the heads off the stems, good thing the neighbors don't see that;) I planted 12 more chamomile plants this week, 2 bee balm plants, 2 yarrow plants and a variety of annual spices in hanging planters so I can try to encourage them to be perennials by hanging them inside when it starts to frost-lemongrass, mints- chocolate, orange, spearmint, mint julep, pineapple sage, lemon verbena, and coriander. Oh the little man and I both enjoyed some raspberries straight off the bush yesterday... red and golden... very yummy!
The little man is much better today... both ears are infected, but the
lethargy is gone and his appetite is back. He got far too spoiled yesterday... we moved the guest room
tv into his room and bought him a new transformer video... of course this enabled him to stay in bed away from the little guy while doing something fun- to him! While the doctor didn't think he had anything else going on, everyone felt it would be best to keep them separated until the antibiotics kicked in. And in other news the little guys
PHE numbers came in yesterday... still not what John Hopkins wants to see but they are over the danger zone now, unfortunately what we knew to expect sometime soon is happening his TY levels have plummeted. We will have to start the process over yet again and retest yet again. At least we have an appt in 2 weeks!