Friday, September 26, 2008

when it rains it pours

So we have bad luck... very bad luck! Woke up to a phone call this morning, hey don't use anything in the fridge... it's isn't cold anymore... yeah, kinda need the fridge for little guy's formula. So of course I figure out which credit cards we can use... Lowes, Sears, Home Depot and Best Buy. Home Depot won't have anything for delivery until the 1st of October, Sears has an outrageous delivery charge, but can color match the fridge with the rest of the appliances, only the selection isn't very nice... and the credit card deal is lacking. Lowes well we didn't get past no credit card deals, and Best Buy well to color match I wouldn't have a fridge until the 15th or 30th of Oct. So plan B let's go with stainless steel... we wanted that in the future anyway... fridge will be here on Saturday, stove on the 15th of Oct. Debt to be paid off in 2 yrs:( but no interest:)

So I never complain about the hubby on the blog... but tonight I come home and make a little discovery. I cleaned everything out of the fridge, and started to clean all the canning jars. Last year I made jelly and apple butter... T-man has been eating them up, and leaving the jars in the fridge so he can put off cleaning them... I discovered 6 jars... I'm not in my happy place!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Christmas time already

Yep folks on Sunday one of my little projects was to make room for Christmas Cd's and DVDs... and yes I got product in to fill that space. Also we start mini overnights next week... 4am start time vs 6am... it does equal 1 dollar more an hour. Call me scrooge... but I'll take the extra pay! Still it's not even October and the Christmas stuff is out... bah hum bug!

So my Dad sent me family tree of sorts... goes back to 1700's kinda cool, except that wouldn't you know it there were Maurice's in there... maybe it was a much more popular name in the 1800's, until I had met Maurice I didn't know it was a name. anybody else notice how I gravitate towards the weird named dudes; Iaan, Lyle, Angelo, & Tisor... yeah sure a few small normal names that did not amount into long term relationships(except for Alex)... always the weird names!

Tomorrow I get to work at the little man's school... they are working on the letter C so snack time is carrots, cheez it's and Capri suns! I'll try to bring the camera and take some pictures... but I am suppose to work... the joys of cooperative preschool... actually I like the idea because then as a parent I'm forced to be involved... not that I need forcing, but some folks do!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Brisingr a bust

Well I can tell from our customers last night a few things about the series I'm reading, it's definitely not a girlie teeny bopper hit, and sci fi people are much freakier than vampire lovers. Yeah we maybe had 20 people hang around until midnight for the release of Brisingr, mostly teen/tween boys, and two middle aged people who thought we were having a Renaissance festival... I'm not kidding they were dressed up like something out of dungeons and dragons... wouldn't have been so freaky if they did not look to be 40 something. It was slow enough that I got the entire Cd shift I needed to do on Sunday done... go me! Now I can focus on cleaning out my cage on Sunday... have I mentioned that a lot of my time at work is spent literally in a cage. They lock up the new releases, and stuff that has not been security controlled... and that is what I do, I sit in the cage security tag everything, than alphabetize according to category... I do get perks, like being left alone and my Ipod... and it is so much fun saying " let me go check in my cage, it might be in there" to customers looking for something that we should have in stock! Well our next big event is not until the middle of November... a fairy party... which I am co-hosting/helping with... should be fairy fun!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

still sick... gotta love school time

Well... I'm not sure if it's a cold or a sinus infection but I feel like yuck. All three of the boys have something too... not what I have though. I think they have the cold and I've got the autumn time sinus issues approaching, next week I'm starting back on the allergy shots and by next Wednesday we will all have gotten a flu shot! yeah I got on top of that this year! School is going great for the little man, he is doing really well, no mortification's sending us into the "it must be the parents" realm. I only have to take him one out of three days a week, even so I'm very proud that I am usually the first or second parent in the "bus line". After being late 95% of last year this is a big improvement! We are adjusting the homework issue... first thing when he gets home tomorrow, the brother will go to bed and little man will work on the letter C.

Currently I'm back to reading Un Lun Dun. Only 50 more pages to go!!!! Hopefully I'll be through with it today. I just don't like it. Not that it is not a good story, like I said earlier I think I just don't like the made up word stuff... but that's the point of the the story the town is all crazy, backwards, and made up. Maybe I'm too old. I do love the sketches in the book, that is fabulous... which brings me to yelling at myself for not working on the sketches I promised my friends father I'd work on. I've got so much I need to do... think my head might explode, but seriously I think I'm going to start on that this weekend... of course tomorrow night we have a midnight release... Brisingr, which that series is my next set of books I have to read for my young adult group at Borders. Then on Sunday I've got an overnight... like 8pm to 6am... lots of shifting of books and Cd's, and the IT people are going to fix our pathetic excuses for computers, maybe they can accidentally leave us an extra one! Perhaps on my lunch breaks I can try to fit in some sketching... that would be good!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

And now for something completely different

So as I returned my June lovin' book, I decided it was time for something way different, more my speed... that wouldn't make me feel quite so completely dirty... and so I picked up Candy Girl by Diablo Cody. It's great! I feel far better now, I have to admit I'm half way through it, it's very intriguing, and yeah I've always wondered about strippers work experiences. Seems as though office politics and gossip gets you everywhere. She's a great writer, witty seemingly honest, I love every aspect about this book. I had watched Juno after all the awards and hype and I just didn't get it... I was expecting this film of great magnitudes and well while it was a good movie, it just didn't fit my expectations of a "film." Now I've got to read the book... I'm sure there is one... maybe not, hmmmmmmmmmm... can't remember.

I recently rented one of my favorite movies, and while watching it with Lisa, she asked if it was adapted from a book... I didn't know that answer... one would assume so, but who knew. I finally remembered to look it up yesterday and found it... so I ordered it... can't wait for it to come in. Raise the Red Lantern by I think Tu Song. I could be totally wrong on that though.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sarah... or do you mean June

So I thought with all the crazy controversy going round I'd read Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down. Holy Hummus... yeah my new crazy saying... better around the kids and kinda funny... but I've gotten off my rant. If you ever want to read a book that will make you want to puke from the self glorification... here is one. Nothing and I mean nothing this lady has ever done is bad... come on, I must be Satan himself next to her. I'm going to start calling her June... you know June Cleaver. Do people in Alaska just live in some kind on snow bound perfect universe. Wow. I guess I have to research who wrote this book, maybe a BFF, or a AKA, or maybe a suddenly very rich person... who knows. I think I'm going to be sick!

Motto of the day: her version, their version, and the truth... wonder what that would be.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

yes another year of school, another year of...

... getting germs from playmates! The little dude came down with a stomach bug on Sunday... as usual he infected me, always me, never the little man or Daddy... guess it's a good thing... but do I always have to be sick:( Of course we are wondering if it is just anxiety taking over and making it look as though I'm sick. Who knows. I slept so much in the last 24 hours it's a miracle but I did finish Waiter Rant. I enjoyed it and like I said earlier it definitely hit home on the finer points of restaurant experience. I bought a second hand copy of one of Anne Rices vampire books, but I have to hold off and actually finish Un Lun Dun. Then I've got to read Eragon and Eldest for work. So the sooner I get through those the sooner I can get to something for me... ah yes I'm working the rewards program on me now!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Laugh it up Mother!

Okay so this morning I ask the little man, do you want to do your homework now or wait until tomorrow... he says now, I go get scissors, his ABC's book, and several magazines. His homework: find two pictures with objects starting with the letter A. Five seconds goes by, and NO I'm not stretching the truth there... "mama I hate homework" And so that was the end of that! We will try tomorrow... but I have a feeling it won't be much different... I think I can hear my mom laughing 20 miles away. I'm sure there is a good karma lesson to be learned as well!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Somebody had a first day of school

Yep my little man started his second year of preschool yesterday. He was very well behaved, not as social as we thought he might have been... he really only played with one of his friends from last year... Zachary. But he sure did not want to leave as can be seen in the final picture. When he saw his teacher he was full of hugs, that was great. The little guy got to see his "girlfriend", last year he became quite attached to one of the sisters of a student so they played together yesterday while we waited for the little man to come out of class. They are fairly inseparable she likes him just as much as he likes her... she is so cute, and tiny, I'm always afraid he'll hurt her on accident. But it's so darn cute!
This year the little man will be learning his alphabet... which he basically already knows, he will have homework... I guess I'm going to have homework... at the moment he is excited about it... we shall see how long that lasts, and how long my mother laughs at me... homework was never pleasant for either of us. He will be taking 4 field trips and fortunately because we have to provide transportation and have to attend, siblings are allowed... yeah! No trying to find a sitter or taking days off! It looks like we will have to volunteer once a month and we decided to sign up for the substitute teacher position for Wednesdays... hey it pays more than I make an hour.
So here we come school year 2008-2009!

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The Benefits of Lavender

So with lavender plants that seem to endlessly produce you get tons and tons of BUTTERFLIES. With tons and tons of butterflies you get two very excited little boys who think they can catch those butterflies , I think if I had let them they would have tried all day and been so upset when the butterflies went "home" at night! I felt so guilty about needing to cut down my crop that I left the insects 3 big plants... and of course the boys can continue to enjoy nature at it's finest.

I must confess I picked up a book, that I've been withholding from my blog, but really let's be truthful you all know me and that I will attempt to read anything. Ann Rice one of those authors everyone knows by name, well I've never read any of her stuff and I'm not into the whole vampire thing... now twisted fairy tales okay I'll bite. So I picked up the erotica the Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. Hmmmmmmmmm... so it was very bad, I'm not talking about content, I mean writing style. But the content was so disturbing it was like looking at a car accident... you just have to keep looking to see what happened. So now I'm thinking that I might try a vampire book just to see if perhaps the writing style was her attempt to fit into the erotica world. Other than that I'm still reading Waiter Rant which is a bit dry but from the tipped restaurant employee point of view pretty darn on point! I'm enjoying it a lot.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

little guys meds

Well we knew we should not get our hopes up, and not that I'm complaining... $250 a month is sure better than $4500, but not quite in our budget. His nutritionist, Celide is working on getting him a free 45 day trial... which they don't like to spread it out over that much time, but it would be free and we could see if he responds to it, and in the meantime we can make applications to 3 different organizations that help families in our situation. I'm bummed, yeah very bummed, but we kinda knew that was how it would go... it just would have been nice. I can hope that in time our insurance will get more generous or the price will go down... yeah not too much demand there for a generic substitute. Oh Well.