Yep my little man started his second year of preschool yesterday. He was very well behaved, not as social as we thought he might have been... he really only played with one of his friends from last year... Zachary. But he sure did not want to leave as can be seen in the final picture. When he saw his teacher he was full of hugs, that was great. The little guy got to see his "girlfriend", last year he became quite attached to one of the sisters of a student so they played together yesterday while we waited for the little man to come out of class. They are fairly inseparable she likes him just as much as he likes her... she is so cute, and tiny, I'm always afraid he'll hurt her on accident. But it's so darn cute!
This year the little man will be learning his alphabet... which he basically already knows, he will have homework... I guess I'm going to have homework... at the moment he is excited about it... we shall see how long that lasts, and how long my mother laughs at me... homework was never pleasant for either of us. He will be taking 4 field trips and fortunately because we have to provide transportation and have to attend, siblings are allowed... yeah! No trying to find a sitter or taking days off! It looks like we will have to volunteer once a month and we decided to sign up for the substitute teacher position for Wednesdays... hey it pays more than I make an hour.
So here we come school year 2008-2009!
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