I must confess I picked up a book, that I've been withholding from my blog, but really let's be truthful you all know me and that I will attempt to read anything. Ann Rice one of those authors everyone knows by name, well I've never read any of her stuff and I'm not into the whole vampire thing... now twisted fairy tales okay I'll bite. So I picked up the erotica the Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. Hmmmmmmmmm... so it was very bad, I'm not talking about content, I mean writing style. But the content was so disturbing it was like looking at a car accident... you just have to keep looking to see what happened. So now I'm thinking that I might try a vampire book just to see if perhaps the writing style was her attempt to fit into the erotica world. Other than that I'm still reading Waiter Rant which is a bit dry but from the tipped restaurant employee point of view pretty darn on point! I'm enjoying it a lot.
Product of the week
14 years ago
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