Friday, March 27, 2009

can anyone say VA CA

Yes less than 24 hrs and I will be happily on my way far far from here to a peaceful little place we know as the Outer Banks:) When I get back I have 3 blogs started but no pics to go with because my printer is unplugged, and not being computer literate and not being able to stand the time it takes to boot up Vista... well I'll get the T-man to do it while I'm gone and publish soon after I get back!

I read the boy in the stripped PJ's yesterday... uhmmmmmmmm... wow... I love it and hated it. I hate how it was written but it is probably true to how little German boys would talk in the 1940's. I want to say his Father got what he deserved but that seems so wrong considering the cost. I want to watch the movie but I bet I'll cry, even though I rarely do at movies. I give it great big thumbs up, but I would not agree with the age range that the book is "geared" to. Make sure your little ones are very mature and can handle holocaust issues.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

No Daddy!

Well Daddy keeps bugging me that we need to give the little guy a hair cut... but just look at those perfect curls. The Pics are almost like nature/math photos. Little guy says "NO DADDY!!!!! I WANT MY CURLS!!!!!!"
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I find that I impress myself at very weird levels. Typical day in my crazy life includes, reading at least 2 hours, swinging some form of tool, doing something artsy/craftsy, snuggling with 2 little boys, and working... although technically isn't everything listed working? Dunno... at least I can really say I've lived, I've done things, I've learned things!

I had a most wonderful day hanging out with my friend, who is packing up house to move permanently to the beach... in some ways it's sad that she really is leaving, but she's happy there and that's good, and well I guess I'll just have to visit her!!!!! 11 more days till I go on Vaca!!!

Books I've just read, and really liked... Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, and Handle With Care... must reads both of them! I'm on to a travel book on the Outer Banks!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Okay I know this looks so wrong... but not everything is as it seems. I had a beer, and after I was done with it the little guy became very interested in it... here's why... a box elder bug had decided it was a great place to hide/rest/drink... whatever. The little guy was very upset he wanted us to save his new "friend." It was hysterical only made more so because he was lugging a beer bottle around all night. So how much PHE is in a Woodchuck cider?

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Okay so it's been a little while since I updated especially since I promised more pics, and I had two cute postings laid out in my head... but it's been one of those weeks and only today am I really making the effort to get the past few days out of my head and join the world again, instead of holing up in the warm dark recesses of my sleeping bag and the couch. Nope wasn't sick, knock on wood against that in the foreseeable future, but you gotta love ultimatums handed down at work that you know and your bosses know are absolute impossibilities. So I know from a co-worker that the bosses have repeatedly told him we are working on getting you a supervisor position, I know that now I'm at the bottom of the totem pole as far as management, we all know I push buttons... I think I got a stubborn streak from my g-ma... although if you ask her it's my mom's fault... which is interesting if you've ever met my mom!, 3 management positions were cut, and the only way I can keep my job is if a) I agree to increase my workload by 5-10 times when I'm struggling now to get my stuff done (can anyone else see the failure I'm being set up for) and b) I have to open up my availability to times when the T-man is working... and give up what little hours I have at the Baby Gap. So in order to keep my job, I have to do way more work, and not only have to pay a sitter but take a pay cut at my second job... I wish I hated my job and wanted to look for another one, but aside from the people who are trying to push me out... I love my job... I love it! I give it a couple of weeks to a month before I'm booted for not being able to do the extra work, and then happily the co-worker will have his position worked out. Yeah hysterically crying, drunk and dry heaving have been great ways to describe me this week, but in the words of chicken little "today's a new day" Hoping I'll get the other posts posted once the boys go to bed for a nap.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Second park outing

Well with one visit to the park turning out to be a major success I tried again... with backup, Miss Lisa came with us today! They got to play at the playground... I only allow them to do this when I have an adult for each child, just seems safer when they generally run in two different directions. We also got to feed the ducks... which made boys and water fowl very happy! Then we went home where I took up the sledgehammer yet again while the boys rode their bikes... I must have been angry at my sledgehammer bite from yesterday because I got the whole thing demolished! Now we just have to clean up and buy the wood to make the railings... hopefully the porch will be complete by the end of the month!

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my dinosaurs

The little guy as pictured here in the first picture likes to pretend he is a carnotaurus... a dinosaur... it's quite cute to see in action, and thankfully for mama slows little boys down from running far away at the park! We've been to the park two days in a row now, and no major injuries... or minor ones either!

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Saturday, March 7, 2009


My sledgehammer bit me... okay not really, more like I crushed my finger between it and a sharp edged piece of concrete... it really hurts... got the nail, actually dug into my finger nail... guess no manicures for me anytime soon. This is where I wish the hubby would man up and do this kind of work for me... but no I gotta do the manly things around here, or they don't get done... more to the point they don't get done correctly! Ouch it throbs!

On a side note I'm thinking that my onions and garlic from last year are doing great because my dog smells a lot like onions and garlic... I of course had to find a dog that would love to roll around in highly smelly veggies... lets hope she leaves the hot peppers alone!!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

totally completely sad

So I got to work tonight and was looking for next week's schedule... what not posted yet, oh who's getting canned now... well there is one manager that has been on every one's poop list, and yes I found out that she is "no longer with the company" Well that was kinda sad because even though she was rocking the boat way more than me, and she was kinda flaky, she was a hoot to work with... but causing those waves we all saw it coming. The thing is she got cut, not fired... and now I'm low man on the totem pole... not feeling very warm and fuzzy right now. Plus since another supervisor quit two weeks ago, I'm not sure I'll get my vacation now. How is it that we need to give two weeks notice for any time off but we can't get an approval until 3 days prior... doesn't seem quite fair! I'm so sad on sooooooooooo many levels:(

so it's spring again?

Well I am feeling better than yesterday and the day before, so I actually spent an hour swinging the sledgehammer at the one remaining porch side that needs to come down. It was fun, although I did not get much accomplished... it seems to have fared much better then the other three sections we ripped out. It's currently in the 50's so the boys had a fun time riding their bikes up and down the sidewalk while I swung madly away!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So I had some great plans today to work on a few small projects in the house. My sinus' had other ideas and I've spent the day in bed... well between the sofa while watching the little guy while Daddy volunteered at school with the little man then back to bed! It's a good thing I'm reading a very good book... the Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan... it's a medical narrative, now I'm not agreeing with the cover that states it's funny and exuberant... how can it be when it's about cancer... but how it is written is wonderful... it's a narrative so it's suppose to be realistic... but this, this is like reading something out of my life if I knew anyone with cancer or had it... it' s real. This is the problem with the book though... it's one of our hand sell items, so you talk it up and up avoiding anything remotely near to cancer... then the customer wants nitty gritty you mention the C word and they politely say I'll consider it, and you find it 20 minutes later laying in an obscured corner... how are you suppose to up sell a medical narrative on cancer. Most people will not read about something they choose to avoid thinking about. On the flip side I can truly recommend it as a very good read!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are we living in siberia?

Uhmmmmmmmmm... I never should have praised March... it is not March... it's Antarctica cold out there... not mid eastern March. Of course I also mentioned that my wonderful allergies would be fading... not so I seem to be acquiring a sinus infection:( On the upside so is the little guy which cancels that dreaded appt at Hopkins. Celide only likes well child readings on his blood work... so I'm slightly glad he is stuffed up too. Bad Mommy!

On to really fun stuff... I bought a Cd today... yup U2 had a new release and I was first in my little world to purchase it. Of what I've heard it's not bad, always takes a few times for me to warm up to anything.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Is it March already

I love March... and no not because my birthday falls in March, though as a child you could probably argue that to be true. March is the beginning of spring, I know not technically till the 21st but you can definitely see the changes already. More and more mild temperature days, the sun is noticeably around longer... Stuff starts turning that wonderful shade of spring green. Oh and my allergies start to fade... at least the really bad ones I'm allergic too fade somewhat by open windows... dust, mold, mildew... all replaced by the occasional fresh air!

This week is going to be a test on my patience and nerves... working everyday, with a day of both jobs, have to volunteer at preschool, and we get to follow all of this up with a trip to Johns Hopkins... both boys, no daddy... however Grandma is saving some of my sanity by coming with us! I may need a mental health week after all of this! I just need to remember at the end of the month; sand, sun, and fun await at the beach... only 27 more days!!!!!!!!