Thursday, March 5, 2009

totally completely sad

So I got to work tonight and was looking for next week's schedule... what not posted yet, oh who's getting canned now... well there is one manager that has been on every one's poop list, and yes I found out that she is "no longer with the company" Well that was kinda sad because even though she was rocking the boat way more than me, and she was kinda flaky, she was a hoot to work with... but causing those waves we all saw it coming. The thing is she got cut, not fired... and now I'm low man on the totem pole... not feeling very warm and fuzzy right now. Plus since another supervisor quit two weeks ago, I'm not sure I'll get my vacation now. How is it that we need to give two weeks notice for any time off but we can't get an approval until 3 days prior... doesn't seem quite fair! I'm so sad on sooooooooooo many levels:(

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