Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So I had some great plans today to work on a few small projects in the house. My sinus' had other ideas and I've spent the day in bed... well between the sofa while watching the little guy while Daddy volunteered at school with the little man then back to bed! It's a good thing I'm reading a very good book... the Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan... it's a medical narrative, now I'm not agreeing with the cover that states it's funny and exuberant... how can it be when it's about cancer... but how it is written is wonderful... it's a narrative so it's suppose to be realistic... but this, this is like reading something out of my life if I knew anyone with cancer or had it... it' s real. This is the problem with the book though... it's one of our hand sell items, so you talk it up and up avoiding anything remotely near to cancer... then the customer wants nitty gritty you mention the C word and they politely say I'll consider it, and you find it 20 minutes later laying in an obscured corner... how are you suppose to up sell a medical narrative on cancer. Most people will not read about something they choose to avoid thinking about. On the flip side I can truly recommend it as a very good read!

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