Well I've been playing with the flowers more than just making jelly... did I mention my newest jelly- Honeysuckle/lemon... YUMMO! I've started 2 batches of alcoholic beverages. Never tried this before so some of the recipes gave me a few raised eyebrows. The first recipe was for Honeysuckle Mead. All went according to plan until I placed the liquid in the secondary fermentation vessel... the recipe said to keep it there until it stopped bubbling. HUH? Bubbling? Well if you look close enough at the last picture you can in fact see tiny bubbles, that thankfully my little man saw... cause I was at a loss. My second recipe is Dandelion Saffron Wine... the first step caused some concern, why, well because when you boil the petals of dandelions they smell awful... really awful... like I'm going to barf awful. But I trudged on, today steps 2-4 were completed and the end result smelled very yummy! I'm not sure this was a good hobby for me... I'm too impatient and it's going to be a long long 6-12 months to wait!
1 comment:
Very cool! Hopefully it will turn out better than my "Mr. Beer" attempt when I was living with Al in the fire-trap apartments.
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