Look who graduated from preschool today! They had a very nice ceremony for the kids, first they sang songs then they got their diplomas, they we had a picture slide show of the year... which we got a copy of!, then the kids got to play games and eat snacks. It was very nice. The little man did a great job, we are so proud of him! Of course he is fairly upset that school is over and that he won't have Miss Valerie next year, but we have an upcoming open house at the kindergarten where he can meet his teachers and see his classroom... so I'm hoping he'll mellow out about the changes to come. He also knows that I'm working on a mini curriculum for the summer so we can brush up on known stuff and complete learning a few things we missed... like did you know when counting it's 15 then 21:)
We love you little man... way to go!
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