ugghhhh... well I've got a nasty sinus infection, I'm pretty sure the little dude has something allergy related, T-man has had a few asthma attacks, and the little man has an ear infection, he woke up last night screaming and tears poring down his face, then this morning he woke up with a fever, poor little dude. He went to the doctor and they asked us not to give him any antibiotics... like we can watch him in that kind of pain, so we got a prescription but we aren't suppose to use it for 2 days... uhmmmmmmm... this is where I say okay and do the wrong thing... he was in PAIN... not hey look at me I want attention, but serious PAIN!!!!!
On other news I scored an extra shift at "mind" the Gap... so I worked a killer day... 6-10am, then came home grabbed breakfast, a shower then headed back out. I got the little dude enrolled for Kindergarten... with no issues, and then went back to work from 1-5pm... that brings me up to a total of 32 hrs for the week at minimum wage... I've got to pay way past due bills but I'm too scared to. Perhaps some cold meds, and beer and I'll tackle them after I read a bit. I'm currently reading a beautiful blue death... way to much detail not much dialogue, not my preferred choice in writing style, and yet I can't seem to put it down, I want to know who dun it!