So I'm that neighbor, the one everyone comments about behind closed doors to their families. "you'll never guess what our crazy neighbor was doing today, she was picking the wild violets and putting them in a jar" I wonder if my neighbors think I'm some kind of witch or hippie with all the "harvesting" I do around here. Who else purposely plants wild raspberry bushes... hey they have great raspberries, bigger and better producing then burpee's, plus they are helping ease the river bed erosion! We have such a small plot of land but I have like 20 raspberry bushes, 5 blueberry bushes, a cranberry bush and a huge garden, then comes the weeds... yeah I use them too! Today I picked a quart of wild violets for jelly. You place them in a glass jar and pour boiling water over them and 24 hours later you've steeped the sugar and colour out of them, the last picture shows the colour coming out already... that alone was totally cool! If I hadn't gotten called into work tonight, we would have eaten dandelion fritters for dinner! Gonna make dandelion jelly over the weekend! Hopefully a quart of dandelion wine and mead also next week! I just hate picking the tops off in an attempt to end their takeover and literally having to throw them away... this year we are recycling the dandelions!!!!!
Sounds like some great ideas. Can you post the recipes. I've talked to the kids about eating dandelions, nettles and other foods, in the "old days"
just goggle it, you'll find plenty!
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