Sunday, April 19, 2009

After some soul searching today...

... I realize that maybe I've turned into one of those snobby Middletown folks I use to hate growing up. I didn't really know Francie Billioti, they moved down the street from us, but I really didn't know her. She was 2 yrs younger, and a cheerleader... the cheerleader kinda explains why I wouldn't have run in the same circles... me the art weirdo nerd. She was nice I remember that, not the typical oh you're not popular so go on away type, never the less a few months ago when I got a friend request from her on facebook I kinda wondered why... I accepted and found that she was a wonderful mom by reading her comments, but being still back 18 yrs in my thinking, I never really commented back those thoughts. I kinda wish I had. Today after reading blessings and wishes from all sorts of people, wow, it occurred to me... people change, and this girl she just got better... as opposed to me who maybe has regressed.

1 comment:

Brian said...

In everything balance... Matt and Tara had a boy on the 17th.