Thursday, December 25, 2008


... it's over, Christmas is over. I'm not so sure I actually enjoy Christmas anymore... that's sad. I love buying stuff for people... I get so excited over finding that perfect thing for someone. But all the work that goes into getting stuff in order, wrapped and taken to it's final destination... it just is too much and I get sooooooooooooooo tired that all I want to do is sleep. Not to mention working in retail just wears you down to a little pile of nothing at this time of year! And of course I guess Santa knew I was bad this year because he has brought me another sinus infection!!!! Oh well. I will admit the boys were fairly well behaved today, we decided that we better have Santa bring one present for under the tree for them each that went well and then we opened everything else at Grandma's. Now it's time to curl up with a book and go to sleep!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

someone dropped the ball

So I had to be at work early this morning... why might you ask... because whichever DVD/movie publisher did the mummy and MAMA MIA (one of the most anticipated film to DVD releases this year) neglected to actually ship them out of their warehouses to our warehouse which meant we didn't get them, and I had to find 62 copies at Walmart bright and early. Yeah the dude at the register just looked at me a says what do you what me to do... uhmmmmmmmmmm ring them up so I can get on with my job! Fun! Then for an extra bonus we discovered that someone had graffiti-ed the men's restroom and it wouldn't come off, so guess who got to paint, in the stinky boys bathroom!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Grandma's payback x 2

So among they ways one does not want to be awaken, here is one to add to the list! "mama he drank something and he's sick", followed closely by a dry heave/gag which is coming from your 3 year old who is standing over you and upon further instant inspection smells really good... really good like a fragrance oil for a reed diffuser. After about an hour of panic, you finally figure out that the little man thought it would be a great idea to tell his little brother to drink this stuff. I just bought the little man this shirt that says Grandma's Payback on it... yeah I think perhaps it was a bad omen buying it! I surely am getting far more than I ever dished out, which admittedly was a lot!

I slept for the rest of the day... to much panic and stress for my little body, thank goodness for Daddy coming to the rescue!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Winter Vacation

Well winter vacation has started for my little man, and school ended yesterday with a sing-a-long for the 4year old classes. It was very cute... my only problem was trying to get the little guy to stay with me, he didn't understand that he could not go and sing with his brother... we actually had to leave because he started a tantrum. Merry Christmas!
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Santa won

Yes I told the boys that Santa was just story, and they just fought me to death over it. I tried, I really tried not to tell that little white lie, and I won't be signing any tags from Santa, but yes Santa lives on in the Morris household. So along with Santa comes Elf on the shelf... or Elfie as the boys have named him. Elfie has a story, he goes each night and reports to Santa about the boys and each morning he comes back and is placed in a new location. It's a book that comes with a hideous stuffed Elf that us parents have to move about the house. So far it is working to my advantage and the boys love finding him in the morning.

We got an invite to do a long survey about the little guys new medicine... and it pays... who'd a thunk!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

yeah Kuvan

Blood test number two confirms that things are going great in the PHE lowering in the little guys blood/brain. He is happy as can be that he can eat a lot more of the things he enjoys... 3 servings of peas and more french fries and chips! He is still gaining weight, still showing an increase in hunger, and knock on wood we've had no weird side effects. He is a bit scary when he gets his blood drawn... no cries, no flinching as a matter of fact he watches and when the blood starts flowing into the tubes he gets excited and says "here it comes"... crazy crazy boy!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

never again

Okay for some reason Target brings out the evil in my children... I know they aren't angels, probably some gigantic parenting issue of ours, but on average they are only slightly more annoying then the average kid... except when we get to Target. I'm not sure but I think it might be all the red bringing out some kind of aggression in them. Or maybe they imagine a bulls eye on my forehead where the arrow is actually a meltdown or tantrum. All I know is that Target is now off limits until they grow out of this phase, and I like Target. Thank god we don't get groceries there! Also having a huge anger management problem with my little man. On Wednesday he strangled a girl in school, well the girl is horrible, and he said she pushed him out of the block area in the playroom... so we punished him by a day spent in bed, but kinda dropped it after that. Over the last two days though it has become apparent he has some anger issues. The little guy now proudly wears teeth marks on his forehead and pinch marks on his arms and the little man has spent a lot of time in his bedroom and has had lots of toys disappear. I've now decided that a behavior chart is a must... we will start today!

Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm pretending it's Monday

So I was suppose to send the package to the in-laws out on Monday or Tuesday... it will happen today... IT WILL!!!! I guess I was hoping that we'd get the requested grandchild picture from one of the sister-in-laws, that way each child would be represented for Big Pop but alas no. Still the frame is great with lots of pictures and now it will have a small scrapbook "page" saying something sappy about grandchildren!

So in the spirit of everyone else in the world I'm reading Beedle the Bard. So far it's interesting, not content but how it's written. I'm curios when miss jk came up with the idea... seems to me that it was rather thought out, so I'm thinking she had it in her brain several books ago as a fun side project.

I've also got Belly Fat to Belly Flat on the bedside table to read, it had some yummy recipes and I thought the premise behind this weight lose idea was interestingly different, more a hormone imbalance... I'll read it, see what I think, I have to admit the recipes were well balanced.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I hate the holidays

Everyone is so NICE... NOT! Work, the job I like, is not going well at all, surprisingly the customers I've been dealing with are great but my co-workers have the office politics going on and I'm just the lowest person that the poop rolls down too... makes for a very unpleasant experience! Oh well, only 20 more shopping days left until x-mas:)

On a much better note, the Kuvan is working... the little guy is responding to it, his PHE levels have dropped and his appetite has increased... which wasn't supposed to happen and maybe it's just coincidence but we will take it. He is actually asking for food and his "milk". Since his PHE levels dropped over the week we are allowed to increase his PHE intake... which means he gets extra of those much loved peas! We go back next week to Johns Hopkins and then we can go to the PKU clinic here in town, the following week and hopefully that will be the last visit this month. His nutritionist is very pleased with his progress. Unfortunately we parents are in a bit of trouble as we still let him have a bottle for his "milk" and we still puree his food. I can't help it that I don't do vomit and he hates textured food and has a hyper gag reflex! We will have to work on that and the Binky but after the holidays and the potty training! The potty training is going good as long as he is naked, a pair of roo's seems to encourage peeing... I might be tempted to get some feel and learn pull-ups. The sofa will thank me!

Other good news... down a whole 10 lbs. I had kinda tried to diet a bit, and being so miserable at work with chocolate on site wasn't really working for me! But now I have drastically changed things. Trying to avoid fat! I've gotten several munchie foods that have no fat, I bought flavored coffee... mmmmmmmmmmm... that's my candy/chocolate, trying to drink at least 32oz of water a day, and I'm writing everything that I eat down... puts things more in perspective, like on Tuesday I nearly doubled my calorie intake with a latte from Starbucks... but pumpkin spice lattes are sooooooooooooo yummy. I also got my bike on the trainer and have been doing 4-5 miles each time I get on. I have a spin cycle class DVD that I've used as well... wow talk about kicking your butt! On the days that the hubby and I are home we will be using the weight system together. Sounds like a balanced plan, and it seems to have started to work! Only 35lbs more to go!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving feast at preschool

They sang songs...
Then ate...
Then chatted...
Then played like wild monsters!

This was the Thanksgiving feast they had for the 4yr old classes, all the family members were invited so it was really nice. The little guy met another little girl who will be in his class when he starts here next year. I was shocked and happy when the little man took the little guy around and introduced him to his friends and then they all played together. It was really nice of him... and then we got home and the sibling rivalry immediately started! We were supposed to go to my parents for Thanksgiving, but I was too sick and exhausted, so they visited us for a few minutes. The hubby went out and got us food for a meal... it was very yummy! I was also supposed to work from midnight to 6am today... but when I woke up last night to get ready I was just too ill, my tummy hurt and I was dizzy, so I called in, now I'm dreading that I don't have a job. But really I had to work at the baby gap... and I really didn't want to throw up on any small children.
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See the Grinch does have a tree...

... and it's already up and decorated. I figured Thanksgiving is usually the weekend that everyone christmasfies their dwelling so we started slowly over this week. The little guy and I got the tree "built" while the man was at school last Friday. Then over last weekend we added the lights and the berry garland. Monday we all helped decorate the tree. Everyone just loves it, the first thing the boys ask for in the morning is for the lights to be turned on. As a Grinch I have to admit it makes the room look very festive, I'm glad we put in the living room!

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I'm 3

My little guy is growing far too fast. I had wanted to get pictures of his birthday up far before this but since sleeping seems to be the only thing I do in my free time besides visits to the doctors I've not had a chance. He actually ate quite a bit of his cake this year, usually he won't, so we were very pleased with that. We went to my parents and had pizza, the little guy had his side of fries and cake, then we took him to Toys R Us so he could pick out one toy... Bumblebee was his choice. Later that week he got his present from Ms Lisa, lookout I've got a mini me! She got him a tool set... he loves it!

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

John Lamb the teddy bear man

Friday was kinda busy for me with docs appts and work. I worked a shift that night at Borders... kinda weird there were customers in the store, I had to interact, dress to code, I HAD TO WORK. Actually it was a good time. We had an author signing and I was really looking forward to meeting this teddy bear loving dude. I was expecting the guy to be a little on the feminine side... I was wrong, very wrong. He looked like and acted like a teddy bear Grandpa. He is a ex-interrogator, and negotiator. He was very down to earth, very cool to talk to. He asked me if I was an aspiring writer and I told him I'm writing a book about my son. He was impressed, not because I'm an aspiring writer but because I said I was writing, not I'm trying to write. He also told me that right now is a good time for non-fiction, people aren't buying that much fiction anymore. All in all I really liked the guy, I can't wait for him to come back, which he has promised he will do.

Dr Mucus I presume.

So I went to the pulmonary specialist on Friday. The Dr was crazy... but very good. I think he and the boys would get along just fine. He introduced himself and his profession by explaining I like mucus, proctologists like poop, I like mucus. Yeah I got two boys that would play just fine with my mucus loving doc. Anyway 3hrs later and many home remedies ideas later I have to say I really like the crazy doc. He gave me a prescription to carry a water bottle around... at work I'm not allowed. This doc firmly believes that water is the best cough medicine. He actually put a Dixie cup full of water in front of me and every few minutes made me drink a sip. I hate water, but I guess it is my new best friend... and whether it is psychological or not it does work! I'm also supposed to go swimming in the ocean... okay just my nose. He believes that all of this horrible illness stems from a sinus infection gone horribly bad... so I've got to clean my sinus' out. I tried a Netty pot once but couldn't quite get the hang of it, so instead I've got to submerse my nose in salt water and inhale... I haven't had the guts to try it yet. Plus I've got to use a saline squirt bottle thing 4 times a day. He did give me two scripts for cough medicine to help me sleep but he practically begged me not to use them. I like a doctor who finds none medicinal help... it's encouraging, because I just can't afford much more of the medical bills... and I'm on the last antibiotic I can take right now.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

must knock on wood

so I shouldn't even breathe a word of this but, while I'm still sick and coughing and hacking, the time intervals have became increasingly longer. I hack and cough every 10-20 minutes instead of seconds. I've been able to SLEEP! maybe I'm on the way to getting well... I can hope. All I want for Christmas is to breathe without pain! Maybe one cough free day would be nice too!

Let's see I've not given a book update in a long time, I'm reading at home In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner, only one chapter down, very much like the movie. At work for my lunch break I'm still reading the mournful teddy bear... I can't wait for the book signing on Friday night, gotta meet this guy. I just finished Kathy Reichs first "Bones" mystery in the series. I loved it... read it in like 2 days, of course it's not like I've done much else. I attempted to read No Country for Old Men... I was really sick that day so perhaps that is why I didn't get past page one... dunno. I hate to admit it but I've also been flipping through Martha Stewart's Dec magazine... quite a few yummy things I might try and a very cool wreath I'm going to make... so maybe she is not pure evil.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

still sick but... here are the benefits

1 bill paying is caught up
2 I can eat in bed
3 I can sleep all day
4 if I'm not sleeping I can read... found two new authors
5 if it's cold I don't feel guilty about not taking the boys out to do something with the day
6 I can work on the handmade x-mas gifts
7 I can shop online... of course when I get that bill I'm gonna freak
8 I can write some pages of my book
9 I can draw... what did I say draw... yup I took up the old pencil set and finished one small drawing and have begun on the set for my friends father... hoping to have that done soon, really nicely done, bound in a book with his poem/song gonna surprise him so don't tell miss fuss fuss!!
10 and of course I can snuggle with boys!

Monday, November 17, 2008

sneaky devil

So yesterday while I was hacking and wheezing my day away... with the thermostat bumped up a bit I thought hmmmmmmmmmmmm... with all the crud that has been spilled on the living room rug, well it's seen better days to say the least, so I decided to strip my little guy and place the potty chair in the middle of the room. After about a half an hour nothing happened, and I got distracted in the kitchen... then joined reality by hearing a bunch of squeals, claps and general jumping around... guess who used the potty chair, and guess who was more excited about it then me. Yup the little guy had no accidents all day, that means he could have been doing this for us a long time ago... little devil, but the best part was the little man's reaction... jumping and clapping and hugging him... telling him how proud he was, that was awesome... I don't know what I should be more pleased about!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

the evil thing about doctors

Okay so I first went to the doctors about 3 weeks ago. Our scale's batteries have been dead for about 6 months... can you see where I'm going. So I had noticed I was getting a little heavier, but I got a reality check when I got on that scale 3 weeks ago and found I weighed the same as when I gave birth to the little guy. I wasn't so happy. So I told a co-worker who recently had started dieting with some friends. They are all in this pool... whoever loses the most weight by percentage each month gets the prize of every one's weekly dollar. So I joined in. So far I've lost 7 lbs. I'm fairly happy! Not happy with my weight, but hey 7lbs while sick and unable to exercise is good. The first week I cut out snack foods like potato chips and substituted healthy snacks I like - rice cakes with sunflower seed butter, The next week I cut out fatty candy, like chocolate, and the last week I added veggies and yogurt, and switched to sweet-n-low instead of sugar. I've also been kinda counting calories just to see what I'm eating. I had planned to start exercising this week, but yet another trip to the doctors is putting that off. I'm still really sick, yesterday I got two really big shots, one in the butt... I couldn't sit straight for a long while. If I'm not doing better by Wednesday I get to go to a pulmonary specialist or possibly a hospitalization.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

it's back

I've done a 180 on my health, then back again. For about 4 days I could breathe and I wasn't coughing... yeah 4 days... bliss. Now I'm back to not being able to sleep because I can't stop coughing... and the doctor's are just scratching their heads wondering what to do with me, obviously the antibiotics and steriods didn't fix the problem. I just want to stop coughing:(

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What to do when one can not sleep at 3am

Well I got three pages of my book written... 50 or so more days of not sleeping and I'll have a book. On the down side I slept for 45 mins before I had to get up for a meeting. Well I took my daily meds prior to leaving for my meeting, then when I got home 2 hours later I forgot that little detail and took them again... so I got to sleep 17 hours straight after feeling very weird for a few hours. It has been suggested to me that I invest in one of those weekly pill box things so I don't do that again... I'm thinking until the x-mas season has passed that it might be a good idea!

The little guy got a few more gifts today, it's been more like a birthday week. He is so good at sharing even though he is the younger brother, he makes me proud!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I got a package in the mail yesterday, and I now know what 13,500.00 feels like in my paws. It's kinda round, it rattles, and it has a lid... yup 3 months worth of the little guys pills. At least we got it in, now we just have to see how well it works. I should probably have him tested again for his milk allergy... he keeps begging me for yogurt, I actually have to take my yogurt to work to eat it because he cries so much when I won't let him have any. Hopefully that is something he is completely out growing, and with the new medicine he can probably eat it within reason.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Welcome to the dark side...

Yup in 23 years the hubby has never voted Democratic... until today. While I'm not sure Obama can do all the things he wishes, and I'm not sure I want all that he wishes, I am more afraid McCain would get all that he wants to do... I'm good with status quo, and the want for good change not bad change.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Better Late Then Never...

So we finally got to go on our trip to the Corn Maze yesterday. I think the boys really enjoyed the little tractor train ride the best followed by the big bouncy pillow, followed by the corn maze and coming in last was the was too bumpy for some folks!
By the time we made it home I had two tired boys who begged to go to bed, but they were very happy! Since tomorrow is the little guy's birthday we have a few ideas on what we are going to do, if the weather holds we plan on taking the metro down to Union Station to see some trains, if the weather isn't so nice we may go and see Madagascar 2. We shall see, I can't believe he is going to be 3 years old. In other news I just got off the phone with the pharmacy company and we should have our first shipment of Kuvan by Wednesday... totally free!!!!!! We met the qualifications for assistance with the co-pays. His first appt is on the 18th... so everyone cross yours fingers that this works!
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Time Clock is Screwed Up

It's 3am and I'm wide awake... not good. Although it occurred to me that I can do many things quietly without interruption at 3am... such as blog, sneak candy, read, paint, watch an entire movie, do my nails, and write. I already read... I'm flipping through an artsy book right now... of course I can't remember the title, but it's cute; poems, blurbs, paintings about a lady who has settled down after many years of wandering. I'm also still trudging through Eldest, I did finally finish Eragon... it picked up at the end, I liked it over all but not something I would recommend. After I finished that I moved on to Darkly Dreaming Dexter... you know the TV show Dexter, well it's based off of these books. It was very similar to the first season. Dexter has a sister in the book and in the show... I can't stand either character... kinda funny, I thought it was just bad acting, but no the sister is just a bad character, in fact I may like the actress better for absolutely nailing the book sister. Now I'm reading The Mournful Teddy Bear. The author is doing a book signing this month so I picked up the first book in the mysteries series. It's kinda goofy, especially since it's a guy writer... very female readable... almost too girlie for me... on the other hand I keep on reading it at lunchtime so I must be hooked!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Here we have Yoda and our Karate Kid getting ready to Trick or Treat. We went to my parents house because it's a nice development, and not so much traffic, also the big hills wear the little guys out quickly! We did less traveling this year than last year... although I think they still acquired the same amount of candy! The boys had so much fun!!!!!
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Little Man's Halloween Party

The little man had a Halloween Party today at school, they Trick or Treated within the building, although I was completely exhausted, and still feeling really sick... with medicine side effects and all, I still had a blast! I think the little guy had just as much fun too!
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What is this?

I've gone for several periods of time today without coughing... wow what a difference, and I can breathe and I even slept. Let's hope my body keeps this up. Now for my service announcement of the month. Even if you take only one type of cough pills, and even if out of the 4 variety's the 3 that you've taken in the past has you taking 2 at a time... DO NOT ASSUME it will be the same for the 4th variety. Yup I was kinda wondering why I was kinda jittery earlier today, then I checked the box to see if I had to wait 4 or 6 hours before taking my next dose... wanted to keep those nasty coughs away and the meds seemed to be working... yeah perhaps because I should have only taken one pill every 6 hours... well live and learn.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Okay really sick...

... to the point of yes I went home from work early and I'm eyeballing a day off so I can sleep, but this week is so chaotic that I'm not sure a day off will help... field trip on Wednesday morning to the pumpkin patch, my mom is having surgery to correct a heart problem on Thursday and of course Halloween trick or treating is on Friday... yikes. I've got Bronchitis now... I wish my chest would stop burning, it's very painful, a day or night of sleep, real sleep would be so nice. The Doctor gave me a stronger antibiotic, some prednisone, and cough syrup with the good stuff in it! Let's see how sick to my stomach this all makes me:) And to make sure everyone participated in my saga here at home, the hubby has a milder case of bronchitis and as we all got into the car to trek down to the Doc's, the little guy started crying and grabbing his ear, so we got a bonus trip to his doc's too... least we caught his ear infection at the very first sign of trouble! Note to all friends/fiends stay away from our plagued house!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Still Sick... and only getting worse

Well the bladder infection is gone so I suppose I'm better and worse all at the same time! I'm fairly sure I've got bronchitis now... there is searing pain in my chest when I cough, which is about every 4 to 5 minutes. I'm so sick I bailed out on going to the little guy's PKU fall festival... which was being held at a train place for kids... I feel like a bad mommy. On the other hand I'm actually wishing I could call out of work today but the carpet cleaners will be here so I really can't... maybe we will leave early! I did go to the Halloween Party yesterday, it was pouring down rain and I figured we wouldn't see many people... boy was I wrong, at least 50 children were present. I forgot my camera so when my boss e-mails me the pics I'll e-mail them home and put them up. After work I did something I've never done before I actually went through a haunted house... it was lots of fun... actually from the construction point of view my brain was kicking it into overtime... very cool, I did miss all the areas where there were strobe lights... with the heart condition I can't be near them... but all was good there by covering the eyes. I had a blast! Completely recommend putting it on the to do list at least once in your life!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sick, sick, sick... I know how to it right

Sick 1 Sinus infection
Sick 2 Lungs infected on the verge of bronchitis
Sick 3 Bladder infection

Yeah at least I went to the doctors for the bladder infection at which point they looked at me scratched their heads and went... you do know you have a high fever and multiple swollen glands we can see by just looking at you. I was kinda wondering if I had fleas or lice... just really localized... because I can't stop scratching the base of my hairline in the back of my head... apparently the limp nodes there are so swollen that they are stretching my skin... hence the itchiness. So a day later 4 antibiotic pills later... at least fire isn't still shooting out of me when I pee... but I wish my sinus' would stop draining, I can't sleep because it's so annoying!

On the bright side tomorrow I get to go to work for something fun... the Halloween Party at Borders. I'll be a witch... I know fitting, I need to buy a broom... otherwise I'm all set! The Grandpa will be watching the boys so I'm not sure if he will drop them off for awhile or not... it would be nice. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and try to post a much more positive blurb!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

artist at work

Let us see what the directions say to do next... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, uh huh, oh I see
We got two eyes, a nose... now to start on the mouth
Ah... see right here I'm just not happy with the eyes, just a little more off right here.
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where and what I do at night

In case anyone was wondering I thought I might give a short account of the fun I have at night. Here is my cage... yes it literally is a cage. I have a desk... but I never use this one, I have a phone... but it does not work. I get to be a little teeny bopper with all my posters on the wall. Here is where I spend a great deal of time, usually on the floor sorting through boxes of multimedia, then securing them and finally sale pricing them if need be. After that they get moved to a library cart to go on the floor and be shelved... I usually try to pawn that job off on someone else... I have far more important things to do... see the next picture.

And this is what we do on our 10 minute breaks... we come up with things to mess with the incoming crew. This is our newest Christmas bear, his name is Chaucer. He really freaks us out... very beady little eyes and there are like 800 of them sitting around the store plotting against us... all except for this little guy, he couldn't take the pressure.

Yeah we are all fairly punchy by 5am... it seemed like a good idea at the time, yes a little twisted and demented, but I tell you what at the moment he went up, so did employee morale!
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Monday, October 20, 2008


I have another nasty sinus infection... I knew it was coming, all the work and cleaning we have been doing in the house... but did it have too be so bad as to make me want to call into work... must go back to sleep. I suppose the beauty of working overnights is as long as I stay in the building I can clock out whenever I want and sleep, I also can wear my PJ's to work... and that is exactly what I'm doing!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Back to square one with the paint colors

Well the paint did not dry any lighter... bummer. Now I have to decide on taking a chance at not having enough paint for the entire kitchen and diluting the color with say an additional gallon of white paint or just start from scratch and pick a second color. I found two colors that aren't bad... just a pain in the butt. On the bright side my work week at Borders has ended and I can get 2 nights sleep in. My Dad also came by today and hooked the gas up to the stove... made some ravioli's, very yummy... of course anything would have tasted good since we have a working stove again!

On the down side I've been trying to find out where we stand on the Kuvan for the little guy. He will start the 6 week trial the second week of November, but we have to look forward after that time to see what we can afford. I suppose if worse comes to worse and his body accepts the meds, we can just keep going as life is now, until the meds are affordable... just is kinda crazy. I'm glad with the proper diet this can be "cured" and that he doesn't need the meds to live. Now if I can only get someone to call me back!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life is good again

Yes a new stove, fridge and microwave... all delivered on the right day, all the correct product... only snafu was that there is a dent on the right side of the stove, but they called and let us know about it before they even came out, luckily the dent is not visible and we got an extra 10% off. On the down side I just painted part of a wall with the lighter color brown... it is a nice color but it is kinda hard to see a difference... may have to tone it down a bit! I stopped painting to see how it looks tomorrow in better light and it will dry a bit so perhaps it will tone itself down!
Pictures to follow!

New Stuff

I am awaiting the delivery of a new stove, new fridge, and new microwave... we ended up spending a tad bit less and getting the microwave... too bad Lowes did not have the good financing deal 15 days ago!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

well... didn't see that one coming

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... yes our stove... DID NOT SHOW UP TODAY! Apparently the order was canceled by the computer system... what is that saying, the computer is only as smart as it's operator. So I am also wondering how between 5:15 last night and 9:15 this morning did this order magically get cancelled, because I was in Best Buy last night and talked with the warehouse guy about the delivery time, making sure he knew we'd be out of the house until about 9:15... had concerns with the little guy getting to school, wanted to make sure everything went smooth... yeah right. I'm so mad I'm past anything but laughing... pure comedy at it's finest.

Word to the wise DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM BEST BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Iced Tea

Yup that's the color name of the darker color of paint that I just slapped up on the wall behind where the stove will end up tomorrow morning... if all goes well! Let me just say... I love this color... it's creamy and caramely... it looks ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooood, perfect with the cabinet color. Now I want to start on the tile and skip out on work... good thing Lowe's closes soon, and I can't get the luan home without the truck rental!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm a Zombie

Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I worked from 5 last night to 9:30pm then went back at 11pm and worked until 8am... then I went to the gap from 3:30pm to 7:30pm, and guess what I get to go back to Borders in just under 3 hours... must find sleep. I won't be whining when I see my pay check... I do get shift diff.
Miss Lisa's b-day is today... I get some kid less time with her tomorrow, we've been trying to get into downtown Hagersbush for sometime, to check out all the little shops. The weather is supposed to be lovely, I'm looking forward to my outing!
Also not so much looking forward to but more morbidly curious as to how our stove delivery will go on Wed. We are taking bets on what will go wrong! Good news we did decide on a color scheme for the walls in the kitchen... kinda a coffee/latte theme at the suggestion of Amy the great. One wall will be a tad darker than the other three... looking forward to working on it this week... yeah in all my free time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

great karate news

So the little man went into karate class tonight and got held after class for a talk with Dad. They would like him to move out of the little dragon class into the big boys/girls class... totally cool! Now he can start on his white belt. I also found out tonight that I will be on overnights every night from now until X-mas season has passed... which works out well for our karate news. Daddy can start the white belt class with the little man, since I will be home during the evenings now and can watch the little guy. After the X-mas season I'm sure we can find a babysitter, for that hour! It will be very cool for both my guys, and then when the little guy starts next year I can join him in his white belt class! The only bummer was that I didn't get a chance to see him and tell him how proud I was tonight... gotta find something special for him tomorrow!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The little man at karate

So I wanted to get some pictures of the little man doing his best at karate, he really has come a long way in the last 4 months, we are so proud of him.

This is an Axe Kick

This is a Front Snap Kick.

This an In to Out Crescent Kick.
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for the kitchen poll

Figured figured I should show a picture of the kitchen as it is now, with as much of the future appliance scheme as possible, hopefully it will help with the voting process! Please vote:)
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and got away with it!

Okay so here is my drywall patch three days, two skims and sandings later... looks just the same as if I screwed it and taped it in place. So I'm going to the store to pick out some possible paint colors. Presently it is a creamy butter yellow... I kinda like it, had planned on doing basically the same color, but silly me I opened my mouth and asked the hubby for his input expecting - anything but green, instead I got, "how about we find a darker sage/olive color." Huh? So now I'm torn, I'm not sure how t hat would look and if it would make the kitchen look smaller, I kinda like all the bright piney looks. Of course hubby had a great point with the stainless steel appliances the whole kitchen will have a different look and feel. I dunno. Let's do a poll!
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

totally gross pumpkin

Guess what we just finished doing... yup making an extreme pumpkin... kinda gross, but we are totally loving it! The boys had a terrific time picking out which worms to stick in the various holes on the pumpkin. Next I think we will do the skull on a stake, then the exposed brains pumpkin... yeah having some this year!
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thank You Uncle Jon!

So the boys are having a complete fixation with cameras, and we had bought one for the little man awhile back, probably for his 3rd birthday, but he kept taking pictures of his face not anything else... I think he just liked the noises it made. Well Uncle Jon sent another one out for Christmas last year and we just set it aside knowing that eventually the day would come to be able to give them to both the boys and that day came two nights ago. The little guy was begging to use mine so while the little man was asleep hubby let the the little guy play with the red one... only problem was come bedtime he would not let it go. Yesterday when he woke up instead of coming and waking me or the little man up he went straight for the camera. Of course the little man wasn't happy about sharing, and as an avid photographer I can understand that, the picture is in the moment, and what if that moment was when they were sharing... Uncle Jon's present to the rescue and all is happy in this photo crazy household... THANX!!!!!!!
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