Friday, February 27, 2009

Summer tease

Yesterday we did not go to the park... but we did manage to spend an hour outside. The boys happy to run amok, play in the sandbox and ride their various bikes and scooters. Today is just as wonderful temperature wise but it's raining... and it looks like the temps will be returning to normal... oh well at least we didn't waste yesterday!

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the boys nightly ritual

Having a child with PKU is difficult enough, but having a child with PKU who hates to eat... well it gets interesting. He gets a bottle at 5am and from there eats small meals all the way up to 11pm. I don't know what we will do once he has to go to bed early for school. Anyway after his last meal at 11pm the hubby is afraid to lay him down right away, fearing acid reflux. So they pop in a movie and curl up on the couch together... usually falling asleep with the little guy laying all over daddy. Kinda cute! This particular evening the little guy was showing some independence by taking his own side of the couch... yeah it didn't last too long, and soon they were both snoring in rhythm laying side by side.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay so I have a very workable phobia... so says the shrink dude. I have realistic expectations and I have a good sense of humor... things I don't normally hear people say about me... I found that to be the most interesting thing I've heard in a long time. I also found it interesting that he is considering some options as to how to work the phobia tension out of me... and using anger could prove to be a healthy option. Good thing I'm open minded! I am really pleased that I like him, he is after all a dude, and generally I don't think male shrinks work well in the dept of understanding the female mind... this guy was okay.

Perhaps tomorrow I can post a few pics as I hope I can take the boys to the park... the weather is suggesting almost 60 degrees and sunny!

On the book front... I've been slacking in book reporting. I read Sweetheart by Chelsea Cain this week... a sequel to Heartsick, and while it was good, it wasn't as great as the first, and I like the characters so much that the way it ended left me sad... a co-worker even agreed not as good as the first one... but I still would recommend it! Now I've moved on to and almost finished Peach Blossom Pavilion... something Yip for the author I think, very good book, the content is heavy but I really like it... it's about a girl growing up in a Chinese tea house trying to buy her freedom.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

is it really the 24th of Feb

Yeah that tells you how boring our little lives have been as of late. I had to focus on some financial stuff and put off more exciting household goals for a few weeks. And then the weather and the boys stopped being amicable so we haven't had too many fun outings either. With that said we did get a bit of wonderful news today... had the good old tax appointment and it seems that keeping your receipts of donated stuff to Goodwill is a very good bit of advice, of course it doesn't hurt that we have uber medical bills from our wonderfully fit family, yes I'm being very sarcastic... totally can't blame it on the little guy. Still all in all we not only can afford the counter tops we want, but the fixtures for my claw foot tub and a good start on decking materials. I know all my wonderful friends will be cringing... bank it, but the way I see it we are increasing the value of our house tremendously, by a few expensive but very permanent additions. The housing market will go up eventually... and therefore banking it eventually.

Tomorrows post should prove interesting... while I would not normally put it out there that I'm going to see a shrink, I am... one that specializes in hypnotism... gotta get over the puke phobia!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

tree huggers frogs and explorers oh my!

A much better journey to the park!
They hugged trees
They played leap frog
And they run amok exploring... and no one went to the ER!

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Painting is finished...

...Well just about finished. I have a few areas where the paint against the trim needs a third coat... but that is hand painting so I can do that whenever! I have a few little things to buy at Ikea, cubbies for under the cupboards and metal strips for spice holders. Of course the counter top needs to be replaced we are waiting to hear back from Home Depot about a cabinet we need to order before we start that process and the tile for the floor needs to be laid... but it's getting there. We cleaned it up really good and between that and the paint we are happy!
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Thursday, February 5, 2009

why do I have such bad karma

So at my main job we have certain dates they call blackout dates, where store events happen and they want as many employees working as can't request off. There aren't too many dates during the year besides 8 weeks at Christmas when you can't schedule a few days off... to accommodate a mini vacation. Well for my birthday this year I was going to go to the Outer Banks, by myself, to have a few days with one of my dear friends. So I got my forms, put in for my time off, and stuck them in my bosses mailbox on Sunday night. On Monday morning we got a memo stating that educator savings week was going to occur over a long weekend this year... the one I choose to take vacation on. Usually educator savings is only 3 days... oh no, not this year, this year it's 6 days... and they are of course blackout dates:(

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

and more progress

Okay so it's taking way longer than I anticipated to paint the kitchen, however I have two coats of the final color on half of the walls, and the rest has the first coat. The drywall patches took a little longer because the first sanding really bothered my sinus' so I had to pace myself on that, all I need is to get sick again! I finally have a shift this week at my second job, that's going to help on the food buying front, we've been very good at planing out some meals to last for a couple of days, and we have stopped going out to eat altogether... part of our new year plan! Of course working that extra shift is going to eat into my painting time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow Day Play Date

Last Wednesday when it snowed we met the hubby's friend from work and his two girls at the park. They all played for over an hour in the snow. And no misbehaving, no pushing, no fighting, most importantly no visits to the ER!!!!!

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