Sunday, March 30, 2008


okay so I finished the book... and if you were to take out the first 100 or so pages it would be great, and far more appropriate for 14 year olds. I really liked it once I got past that. I fully understand that the author was trying to set a few things up for the ending, and that the reader needed to get the sense of how horrible the main characters life was... but I think it pushed it too far and it could have been conveyed just as well in a different way. That said I still think the last 2/3rds were great! So now because I was bored prior to getting to work to check out a new book, I have started two books... Stiff by mary roach, and Eat Pray Love. In both I've only gotten through the introductions but I'm already hooked and eagerly wanting to read each right now! I start my new job tomorrow so finding reading time is going to get even tougher:(

Oh well I hear child numero uno giving daddy a hard time... I better rescue one of them:)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

100 pages later

okay so I'm still reading the dark fairy tale... tithe, and well with my attitude adjustment it's getting good. Around page hundred the cussing while still there and the bad girl image seems to be in the background a lot more and the true story line starts emerging... now I can't wait for nap time so I can read it.

I got my new schedule from my new job yesterday and it's fairly light... I even have managed to get a whole day off. We shall see if this is how it stays, I start next Monday... I have to search today to see if I have any khakis that still fit, I'm afraid that they will either be pre prego and way to small or after child 2 and too big. Of course that does mean I can look for a new pair:)

Yesterday I got planted rhubbarb and strawberries and soy beans and asparagus beans... in pots for the porch. My 1st child tried help... he ended up telling me what to do... mister supervisor! We also went to the park since it was soooooooooooooooo beautiful out. Child number 1 brought his new bike... obviously as a parent I need to learn much better how to "help" him. Twice he went careening out of control... once caught by daddy and once by a fence... only a few scraps, then he turned too hard and found one of the only mud puddles to fall in. Amazingly he kept getting right back on his bike... that made me proud!

My hubby said that he is going to teach me how to put pictures up on this blog... so hopefully pictures will be coming in the near future!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


You know you're a parent once you fail to care about your own birthday... and things you think about recieving for your birthday or to do for your birthday become about your family/kids. I plan to spend tomorrow working on the wall for the sink in the downstairs bathroom... that way we hook the sink up and let my little man use that bathroom again. I also got more strawberry plants and a planter for them for the front of the house.

I have stuck with the book Tithe the language hasn't improved, but the story plot has potential... it's just so abrasive and dark. Maybe reading it's discription of a modern fairy tale was where I went wrong... maybe I just expected a girlie book, not sooooooooooooo dark, plus I really don't like sci fi/fantasy... I was hoping for a fun light read. After this I think I'll get back to the Warrior series and read book 6. Now I know that it is sci fi and it is fairly dark... but cats in clans... who can pass that up... a terrific tween series by Erin Hunter and entirely age appropriate great for guys and girls.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Bunny Day

okay so we do not have easter bunnies, tooth fairies or santa claus' in our household... why... because I can't stand how commercialized family days have become. Yes I realize I work in retail and it helps me keep my job... but it's sad. So that being said, I'm wondering why my 3 yr old son has been saying Happy Easter Bunny Day to us all day... it's cute but where did he get it?

Friday I got one planter made... it's cute but much smaller than I anticipated... gonna need to make more than two:(

I also finished the Jodi Picoult book, still high thumbs up. I've moved on to Tithe by Holly Black... I only got through 20 some pages and read every cuss word, along with underage drinking, breaking and entering, attempted rape and smoking... the age range states 14 and up... I'm liberal, really liberal and I'd have a hard time letting an average 14 year old read it. I usually stick with any book I begin... but I'm having a hard time picking it up to continue. I generally view parents who have to preread their kids books as far too over protective... I think I owe a huge apology to a lot of people now!

Friday, March 21, 2008


For all of you who know me, really know me, I'm sure you have been wondering since the birth of my 1st little guy how a job addict was going to survive on one paying job... fear not I just yesterday acquired a second job... actually out of nessecity not jobaholic withdrawl. Yeah and the economy is great sir bush! It's back to the food industry for me... at a local cafe! Since my hubby had lost his second job we have been using that time wisely getting stuff on the house accomplished. Our mud room has walls, and we have started on the downstairs bathroom sink, it will involve moving a pipe and building a half wall so it's a major project versus a switch. Hubby has been working here and there while I'm at work on the pipe move so I'm hoping by next week I can start on the half wall. I have also taken back up the paint brush and started where we left off last fall on the stucco on the outside of the house... I'm sure my neighbors are soooooooooooooo pleased. Today however will be spent on constructing the planter boxes for the front porch... I've got to transplant the snow and sweet peas, beans, and morning glorys soon. But for now a cup of coffee and a chapter or two from my book of the week-Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult... I've gotten to that place in everybook where I struggle and have to force myself to put it down just to do simple tasks. So obviously I highly recommend this book!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I thought I would give this a try since my new obsession is coming home to read friend's blogs to find out how they are doing, suppose it's only fair to return the favor!